Webinar: Credit Improvement Strategies for South Bend Business Owners

For many new entrepreneurs, access to capital isn’t enough. Access to expertise also matters. 

CDFI Friendly South Bend can provide that connection to expert business coaching, and an opportunity to apply for a no-cost line of credit to build your business credit history.

We’ve teamed up with Allies for Community Business to offer the Credit Builder program, which identifies eleven important startup activities and pairs participants with a Business Coach to help complete them.

In this recent webinar, A4CB shared how entrepreneurs who have completed those startup activities — such as creating a business plan or opening a business bank account — are usually positioned for greater success than those who have not.

The program is ideal for new or established entrepreneurs who wish to begin building a credit history, and who may benefit from the assistance of a business coach when preparing their initial credit application.

Entrepreneurs who complete the coaching activities and meet other criteria are eligible to apply for a loan of up to $2,500 to help build their business and credit profile. Thanks to support from CDFI Friendly South Bend, there are no interest or closing costs for the first 10 small businesses that complete the program.

Check out the webinar above for more information. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact CDFI Friendly South Bend, or schedule a free coaching session with Allies for Community Business.


Nuevo programa de préstamos presentado durante un seminario web en español